visits Scenic Rim and the Darling Downs

Boonah Cultural Centre

Pete The Surfaroo is a Gold Coast local; a former lifesaver and a true blue Aussie who produces light hearted but educational product for film, television, and social media.

Pete has been producing and airing product for Community Television and Aurora Television Australia and New Zealand for twenty years.

Pete reflects his own lifestyle in the content of his videos reflecting the Great Australian Outdoors, locations, healthy lifestyle, and wild life, including healthy eating and daily exercise.

Pete The Surfaroo’s amazing adventures will be screened through the day, at the Boonah Cultural Centre, and showcase the whole area taken over eight months of filming.

The evening event (being held at OPPYS FRUIT & VEG, Boonah) that starts from 5pm onwards will include local entertainment, featuring a Red Carpet, interviews, food, drinks, awards, theme song release, comedians (Josuha Taylor, Joel Fenton, and more ), and huge prizes, such as two-nights stay at Lake Leslie Tourist Park, Luxury Cottage worth $320, $250 Flight Centre Voucher, SkyWalk 10 free admission Tickets for a family Pass 2 Adults 2 Children, Spot Prizes and heaps more. Tickets for the evening event are available from Oppys Fruit & Veg who are sponsors of this performance.

Pete The Surferoo


FREE ENTRY from 10.00am - 4.30pm and, a ticketed event from 5pm onwards.

Tickets, for the evening event, that is being held at OPPYS FRUIT & VEG can be purchased from them


Sat, 15 May 2021


10.00am - 4.30pm (free)


Boonah Cultural Centre


FREE ENTRY with a donation at the door appreciated (for Scenic Wildlife Rescue) for te daytime event.

Night time event (5pm onwards) will be held at Oppys Fruit & Veg